
-Jocelyn & Joe-

‘’We were referred to Jill through a friend. She was an absolute game changer! As a couple with 3 young kids. We have learnt a new way of working as a team and respecting our differences as parents”

-Kwaku & Jasmine-

“Jill helped us greatly with our communication when we were in a very bad place in our marriage”

-Caitlyn & Emmanuel-

‘’I had been looking for a black therapist for a very long time. I felt really seen and understood in my individual sessions when I was going through a really difficult time. I’m so grateful!”

-David & Sarah-

‘’We found it helpful to have a mutual person that has been able to help us navigate a key issue which we were unable to resolve on our own.”

-Madeline & Emmy-

‘’My wife had been asking me to try couples counselling for a long time. I was very reluctant to try counselling as the concept of sitting in a room talking to a stranger about our issues felt very uncomfortable to me. Jill really made us feel comfortable from that first session.  She helped us with tools and strategies to manage our conflict and communication. It felt great feeling close to my wife again after such a long time”

-Tatum & Avery-

‘’It was refreshing to have therapy sessions that incorporated our cultural identity and included a space that we could explore our faith. We left feeling stronger as a couple. A highlight was feeling equipped with new tools to help us stay grounded in situations that used to cause lots of anxiety in our relationship”

-Elijah & Jamila-

‘’The impact of marriage counselling had on us has been more than we could have hoped for. After our first session I knew we had found what we needed. We learned so much about each other and about the issues and behaviours holding us back from having a loving relationship again. We would never have gained so much without Jill's calm, wise and firm guidance”

-Gabe & Moss-

‘’Me and my partner were still in a good place in our relationship. But with the stress of running a business and raising kids we had found ourselves slowly drifting apart. I am so glad that we made the decision to come for relationship therapy. Jill, you have helped to breathe new life into our relationship. Thank you!”


‘’My husband and I were having problems with our relationship and decided to seek some expert advice.  Since starting sessions our relationship is in such a better state. Every session proved to be an eye opening and profound experience for us. Our relationship and the ways we are able to communicate with each other have greatly improved. I have also gained new insight in myself. Those insights have helped me grow as a person. Jill is very easy to talk with and is professional and non-judgemental”

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